Adding the Vantiv Merchant Account Settings

To enter the merchant account settings for Vantiv, complete the following steps:

Note: These steps must be completed for each merchant account associated to the Vantiv payment gateway.

  1. Go to a Merchant Account Profile for the Vantiv payment gateway.
  2. Complete the steps outlined in the Adding Merchant Account Settings help topic. You must repeat these steps for each code that is to be entered for Vantiv.
  3. Enter each code listed below. You must add every code listed below in order for the Vantiv payment gateway to function properly. A short description of the code and an example value for each code are provided below:
  4. CodeDescriptionExample Value
    urlThe URL that corresponds to the environment for Vantiv: Test, Pre-live or Live. Check with your implementation specialist for actual URLs.

    versionThe version of the SDK you are using.8.25
    merchantIdThe merchant id given to you by Vantiv.12345678
    usernameThe username given to you by Vantiv.COMPANY
    passwordThe password given to you by Vantiv.P@ssWord!
    proxyHostIf a proxy is required, this setting indicates the host to make calls to the Vantiv service in the SDK. If a proxy is not required, leave these settings
    proxyPortIf a proxy is required, this setting indicates the port to make calls to the Vantiv service in the SDK. If a proxy is not required, leave these settings blank.2048
    printxmlThis setting determines if logging should be enabled or not. If the value is true, Vantiv SDK will write to the file found in the logFile setting. Values: true|false.false
    reportGroupThe reporting group name used for the Vantiv back-end reporting features.Default Report Group
    knownHostsFileThis known hosts file is required in order to do secure FTP for batch processing. Instructions for how to create this file for pre-live or live environment is found in the Vantiv Batch Processing Configuration Guidance.C:\Vantiv\hosts
    sftpUsernameThe username used to connect to the Vantiv secure FTP site.FTPUser
    sftpPasswordThe password used to connect to the Vantiv secure FTP site.P@ssword!
    sftpUrlThe secure FTP URL to send and receive files from Vantiv. This URL varies based on environment. Check with your implementation specialist for the actual
    responseDirectoryThis is the directory the SDK uses to store response files downloaded from the Vantiv secure FTP site.outbound
    requestDirectoryThis is the directory the SDK uses to build request files to send to the Vantiv secure FTP site.inbound

Additional Information

The Vantiv SDK offers the following codes, but Abila has special advice about these codes:

Code DescriptionExample Value

Only under special circumstances should you add this code to your merchant account. This file logs all requests and responses to the Vantiv web service made through the SDK.

Note: If you want to add a logFile, then contact Abila for guidance. You must ensure that the path for the log file is within the site folder of the application. Or you must ensure that the service account running the netFORUM application pool is part of the Administration group on the server.

neuterAccountNumsBecause of security considerations, netFORUM does not allow you to override this setting. A setting that masks sensitive information like account and credit card numbers in the requests and responses during logging. netFORUM automatically sets this value to true. true

Enter the code verificationEnabled with the value true to enable the eCheckVerification feature. If the setting is false, or it has not been created, then the RegisterToken method creates the token.

Note: For any Vantiv account, the optional feature, eCheckVerification, verifies the ACH routing number, checks if the account is a risk for fraud, and then creates the token. This feature could require an extra fee. Contact Vantiv for details. If you choose to enable the eCheckVerification feature, then you must enable it in Vantiv and in netFORUM.


